Eli Lilly takes employee road safety seriously
Eli Lilly Nederland was seeking help in developing its HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) programme. e-Driver and Dutch research group Verkeersveiligheid Groep Nederland proved to be the perfect partnership.

Driving safely and sustainably
Eli Lilly Nederland is a subsidiary of the US pharmaceutical firm Eli Lilly and Company. Around 100 employees are responsible for pharmaceutical research and development, care support services, sales and distribution in the Netherlands. Senior HR Assistant Martine Mulder believes that driving both safely and sustainably is a priority not only for employees with company lease cars but also for those who drive for a living: ‘We are responsible for a safe working environment, the correct equipment and proper training and instruction. This also includes the time our employees are out on the road. We take this responsibility seriously.’

Part of HSE policy
Mulder explains: ‘Employees who are part of the company lease car scheme receive road safety training regularly. However, sustainability has also become an important factor in HSE policy. We have developed a new training and refresher programme that encourages all participants to drive both safely and efficiently. The programme provides employees with periodical, short online training that is interactive and adaptive. Specifically for Eli Lilly, we have also developed a bespoke employee training video full of tips and advice on driving electric cars.’
Why did Eli Lilly choose e-Driver?
Eli Lilly values safety and sustainability and introduced e-Driver back in 2014. Mulder concludes: ‘We need our employees to be aware of potential traffic hazards and learn to anticipate them. We want to focus more on driving efficiently too. I am very satisfied with the training courses and would recommend them to everyone. The lessons learned apply not only to a business setting but also to everyday driving.’

‘I am very satisfied with the training courses and would recommend them to everyone.’
Martine Mulder, Senior HR Assistant
e-Driver: a proven approach
By taking part in e-Driver, your organisation will contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Traffic accidents reduced by
(Research by TÜV Rheinland in 2012)
Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions cut by
(Research TÜV Rheinland in 2012)
of all participants would recommend e-Driver to their colleagues
(Research VeiligheidNL in 2018)